1.Investors in financial markets, certainly, seem to be expecting more of the same from the US rather than direct confrontation.
2.Dissension in the Jedi ranks spread as the more proactive Knights -- like Kyp Durron -- urged direct confrontation against the enemy.
3.Analysts said the move runs the risk of a direct confrontation with North Korea.
4."It's not that they want a direct confrontation with the U. S. , " he says. "On the contrary, they're very keen to avoid that. "
5.Although his Mahdi Army is a prime instigator of the violence, General Keane says a direct confrontation would be too risky.
6.And, when faced with a decision, it has usually eschewed direct confrontation with China.
7.Fabian : Of or relating to the caution and avoidance of direct confrontation typical of the Roman general Quintus Fabius Maximus.
8.Rapid expansion by each company, as well as profound shifts in the high-tech landscape, now make direct confrontation inevitable.
9.Tim Geithner, the treasury secretary, has resisted direct confrontation with China over the yuan's value.
10."It's not that they want a direct confrontation with the U. S. , " he says.